Saturday, 15 November 2014

Coming Back, New Schedule & Christmas Excitement! ♥

Hello everyone!
So if you've been regularly checking back as I did ask you guys to do when I first started my blog, you'll of noticed I haven't posted since October 3rd!
I am sorry for this very big gap without any notifications.
The reason being I was going to leave my blog as it was until Christmas Eve and Christmas Day when I get my camcorder and laptop so I could type more pre-posts, and start my Youtube channel off! Then, today I was showing a friend of mine this blog, and they was really impressed. I may of not said it but I was actually flattered and it got me thinking, why not just post now and keep this blog going. Then as I get more back into routine I'll gradually add more posting days, little by little. Then by the time I start my youtube channel, I should be posting pretty much everyday. So please, don't lose interest!
My social media will be up soon, so if I don't post you can give me a kick up the butt and remind me!
Just so you guys know,

  1.  I AM planning on posting Christmas Day!
  2. On Christmas Eve I'll be posting NON-STOP!
  3. If I end up going shopping on boxing day - which I probably will, I won't be posting the photo's here, BUT I'll make a youtube video and put the video HERE for you guys to see! 
  4. I'm planning on posting daily now and pre-writing up posts on the weekends. 
  5. I am re-starting my diet as a result of weight gain so I WILL be posting about that.
  6. My twitter is @Taralovescookie
  7. I'm thinking about starting some other things up here other than beauty and fitness.
  8. I am still using the other pages, so keep looking through because I'll gradually be sneaking stuff on there!
  9. And thank you everyone for checking my blog, we WAS about to hit 300 views!
  10. But please come and check back, because we're stuck at an awkward 299 views!
  11. From today, expect posts everyday!
New Schedule:
Monday - Build your Confidence (tips, ideas, experiences)
Tuesday - Make-up,hair & outifit tutorials (weekly occasion)
Wednesday - Road to Healthy (Healthy eating, fitness)
Thursday - Treat yourself (Spa,gifts,ideas)
Friday - Expanding your beauty (Buying more products, extra storage)
Saturday - Christmas gift ideas (What do they want?/What's hot?)
Sunday - Mystery Post (Anything within theme)

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