Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Healthy Lifestyle | Wednesday | Edition 2

Healthy Lifestyle #2

Hey guys, so today I kinda wanna make a confession. Not only to clear my system of this, but to explain about how either this whole 'healthy lifestyle' thing is going to work, or so you understand that I'm still currently deciding whether to focus my time and efforts on this theme or not.
If you know me in real life, you'll know I'm overweight, Very overweight.
Some say I'm not but I know I am and people have told me.
I have lead a 'healthy lifestyle' a few times before where I've lost over a stone and kept it off.
I've also been in the position of gaining it back, starving, purging, staying in so nobody can look at my gross body and all that stuff. I'm constantly thinking about weight loss among side other things. I'm constantly imagining my body with more definition, muscles, a smaller skinny waist. A curvy body, a 'average' body and all the possibilities. I've studies and researched and tested out a LOT of different things to know exactly what I'm talking about and the dangers, pros and cons of all this stuff. But in reality, even though I got the knowledge of a dietitian and personal trainer after years and years of experience, I still chose to do unhealthy things in order for a quick result.
Then maybe now you could understand me when I say I feel like a hypocrite writing this section on my blog. It's something I'm really passionate about and love writing about but there's the after embarrassment of 'oh god, what if someone who knows how fat i am reads this? what if they think I'm speaking (excuse my language) shit or never lost the weight? what if they've only known me a week and think I'm full of myself? what if they think I'm dieting but then see me eat an entire diary milk chocolate bar?' and quite frankly it scares me a little bit.

I have considered taking a different aspect on the entire thing though. Maybe on a Wednesday it could be all to do with food or exercise. The good, the bad and the pros and cons of both sides. Sometimes it could be mixed up like a kind of 'how to make a..' or trying out these 'ana' diets on the web and giving a review and response. Kind of like taking my research a bit further and sharing it with you. I know it's been done on youtube, other blogs and sometimes TV but to do it first hand and share with you what works, how it felt ect. There could also be days where I could post about the other side of things too, e.g binge eating and how easy it is to eat so much food at once, but the calories consumed and how many days worth of calories eaten. Even though its something terrible to think about when you're addicted to eating the entire universe like me but it may make you a bit more aware the next time you feel like binge eating, and hopefully that will help you all stuck in the same position as me. Please let me know on twitter or in the comments if this is a good idea or not.

Also I know this post may come across a little personal with you all but I decided not to be too open, but be a bit more open with you all and maybe include the reason behind some of my choices for you all.

Thanks for reading my sweeties, good day all

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