Today I'll be writing about Police Officers.
Before I get started I would just like to say this is my preferences on the system! If you have a completely different opinion, or a minor different opinion, that is great and I would love to hear it from your perspective, this can be up for DEBATE but I do not intend to be criticize for my opinion as everyone has had their own experiences, own thoughts and own interpretations on why they think certain things about certain matters.
The big bag wolf&the three pigs
Assuming we're all familiar with the story of the big bag wolf and the three little pigs, I feel as if this is relative to the youth around my area today. In other countries, based upon what I read officers walk around with their guns, and tazors and things of that sort. I have seen people in this country with guns, not yet to see one with a tazor. Regardless, this gives me the impression they are able to sort things out straight away, correct me if I am wrong as I am unaware of how things work over there but once again this my opinion. In this country, because of how little the 'pigs' try to work. It takes like three officers on one TEENAGER! Yes, I mean friends of mine are a little excuse my language, fucking mental but that is not my point. The officers simply do not try, they say a few words and if you refuse to go along with what they say, which most do because they make absolutely no fucking sense or drag things out or do not get your side or understand the full story simply because they can not be fucking bothered to listen, they call some more police or just send a warrant out for your arrest if you fail to attend court. Obviously when your support workers are telling you there is a high chance you're going to be sent down for the next eight months you are going to not show up. They spend more time throwing out lousy fines for the most stupid of things, eg. I know somebody (not putting names up for privacy reasons) who dropped a ten pound note and got fined for LITTERING. Excuse me? Is that just plain ignorance? And another thing that happened to a person I know, they got fined for a small strand of cotton falling from the back of their jumper. For a start, how are they even meant to know it fell if its so small, and from behind them. Also the ONLY reason the officers knew was because they were walking behind her. Any further and they wouldn't of even noticed, and how were they meant to know it fell of the back of her jumper unless they were staring if you get what I'm saying? It is beyond me.
The WORST thing I've seen is a copper grab my friends hair, pull her down to the ground gripping her till she shouted out in pain, shouting in her face 'FUCK UP, YOU DON'T SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!!!' and then the other coppers came around the corner and she was running with us, he puller her up shouting 'get up get up now' as if she had THREW HERSELF to the floor. When me and some of the other people there tried to explain to the other cops what had happened, the copper tried to say she had insulted him for him to do these things... as we said they were un-true they kind of ignored us basically saying to one of the boys telling them that it was lies and that an officer wouldn't of reacted that way for no reason. I am sorry but when you signed up for the job, you didn't sign up to attack a teenager like that WITH OR WITHOUT reason. May I just say she was caught in an area she shouldn't of been because of her asbo? Yet it was a necessary route to get to college which was her ONLY form of education, that they are meant to support.
I'm sure there are good things that coppers do in the UK, of course their must be. But in my path I am yet to find a decent copper or any that has done any good close to home. If and when my experience changes, I will write another post of the positive side. Till then I will not lie and say a bunch of shit that makes them sound great when I've never seen them in that light.
If the language in this offends you my apologies, just so you are all aware the language in these Friday posts may not be the most appropriate, but it is my way of getting across my passion and emotion on the subject. Also all the text written is true but I have not included names or anything for the security of the officers and 'so called criminals' mentioned. I also understand they do a lot of good and without them there would be no order. They just need to be properly evaluated or honest to their job before each individual one gets my personal approval which does not matter to probably everyone but still.
Thank you everyone for reading:)