Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Healthy Lifestyle| Wednesday | Edition 1

Hello everyone!
This post may be up a little late, but I will be explaining why to you at the end in a short notice. (Tell me if you prefer this rather than me writing an entire post on it)

If you've been reading my blog for a rather long time over the past two years as I know a couple of you who have reached out to me on twitter and I know you have been, you'd know I used to do a healthy lifestyle post before. Well, over the last two years I have had so much more experiences and found different things out and instead of continuing them kind of posts, I am going to start from scratch now. If things seem similar over the next couple of posts then that is the reason why. Here is edition one, and I'm actually going to be starting my healthy life style tomorrow so I can follow along to with my progress.

Many of us have tried these 'diets' and 'intense training' and I just want to start of by saying, that's all good if you want to struggle and feel sick straight away. Also, this is NOT a guide of dieting and intense training. This is about slowly changing things in your life for your health benefit, along with weight loss and slowly building up muscle. From experience, I have found do it gradually keeps the weight off, the muscles strong, and is easier to put into a habit.
Before we start with the foods, and exercises and all that stuff, the most important thing to do to make sure you succeed is to find what MOTIVATES YOU. The same thing isn't going to work for everyone. Here is a few ideas to motivate yourself;
1. Keep notices on your phone
They could be a quote that motivates you to get fit, or a photo. This way even when you're not eating or switching classes or at lunch time it will remind you that you are changing your lifestyle because at first a lot of the time you forget you're actually trying to cut down on sugars and things, then think you've 'messed up' today and will start again tomorrow. Remind yourself that that is an excuse. You are NOT getting any closer to your goal by waiting to start till tomorrow. Start NOW. Change NOW.

2. Create a pin board on pintrest and spend ten minutes a day adding to your board

This is something I do, as you can see above and if you want to check out my boards just click on them! The one I use the most is on private, and you guys can make one on private too if you don't want anyone to see it or know what inspires you. It may come across as personal to some people as it does to some extent to myself. Click on Create a board to set up your own account.

3. Keep images on your phone that motivate you
I used to do this all the time, in fact I still have some photos on my phone that I look at during lunch and break times at school to remind me of my goals. It is actually quite amusing in my opinion to go and find these quotes and images on google as it is something that motivates me and makes me feel good about myself and get a clearer image of what I want in my mind which obviously, motivates me more!

4. Put posters on your wall
This one may come across as weird, but if you was to put up on your wall your goals, your ideal body, little quotes etc. you will see them basically every single day, and it will remind you when you wake up and before you go to sleep that you got goals to achieve and that everyone, has the power to do it with a load of hard work and effort. In the end its worth it!

5. Keep a diary of your goals and progress
Once again, this may seem a little of sorts but if you keep a diary containing all your goals, your progress and all that kind of information, you can remind yourself to write in it daily and add little things in even if its just a few words or a doodle. When you feel like giving up you can flick through this and see how good you're doing, and think do you really want to quit now? Don't you want your goal bad enough? You are cape able.

Okay guys so a little notice why this is late, and about my posting schedule.
As you all know I'm currently in the process of moving into a new house, so if posts are late or I do not post on a certain day, it just simply means I have things I have to do. As soon as that is all done I will be pre-writing my posts so I will be able to do things through out the week, without missing a post. When this is all done I will be able to set a time everyday that a new post will be up. 

Thank you for reading guys, edition 2 will be posted this time next week.

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