Wednesday, 7 January 2015

New years resolutions | Week 1 Updates ♥♥♥

Hello everyone!
Well, we're already in to the new year by a week, how are you all going?
Maybe you're wondering what this post is about?
How often it's going to be posted?
If this is a one off?
What it's all about?
All shall soon be revealed.

Every single year I set myself probably the same resolutions.

  1. Lose weight
  2. Save money
  3. Start a Youtube channel
  4. Get prettier 
  5. Be more popular
  6. Go out more
  7. Work on my blog
  8. Grow my hair longer
  9. Grow my nails longer
  10. Write a novel
Never do I ever think I'm going to do them... but as you can see, the ones crossed out I actually for once accomplished during 2014! I know it's only three out of ten, but when you have the same goals for three years in a row, and you get one done, it's like a weight lifting off your shoulders I'll assure you! I decided to set myself some new- new year resolutions, that I AM going to accomplish.

  1. Get to my dream weight
  2. Open a savings account
  3. Get 50 subscribers in total
  4. Get 100 views on one video
  5. Get 500 more views on my blog
  6. Write a novel
  7. Get better grades
  8. Talk less
This year, I've set myself eight resolutions, the first one I know I can do as I've lost a stone, and I have so much support and motivation I know that I can get to my overall dream weight healthily, and it's defo possible! The second me and my dad has talked about, and as long as I save enough money I can open an account, and knowing me I'm not going to take the money out so it'll be even better! I've got 15 subscribers, so in 365 days, I plan to get 35 more. I'd love to get 100 views on one video, keep in mind I have 62 on my first video right now, so it's possible! I got 450 views on my blog within 5 months, so I'm sure I can get 500 in 12! I've already started writing one, and if I spend some extra time with it, I know I can get some more done! I'd love to go up to the next set in the subjects I'm lacking with. Then, last but not least, to talk less. Because I think I'm annoying and talk to much. It has been confirmed. 

So I want to know what your guys's new year resolutions are, if you're sticking to them, if you completed last years, and anything like that, so either tweet me, dm me, comment, do whatever you wish! I'd love to hear all about them!
Goodnight, Tara xox

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