Friday, 19 September 2014

Organize your life #1 | School equipment ♥

Hello everyone!
This is Friday's edition of 'organize your life!'
Before we begin, I'd like to let you all know that I won't be posting Tuesday to Sunday.
I'm either going to do the post's in advance and post them all on the Monday on the page 'Other little things' or, Post two posts a day for a week afterwards. Or to just leave it and carry on as normal after.
Okay so today, I will be listing some things you need for school, or is handy to have ect.
 This includes some books and stuff for help in school or to revise using, I am in year nine and in American terms, Grade nine. I have a Welsh GCSE in summer, so I do need to revise and get high levels and that's why I've got a bit of stuff, you might not need it all, but I would get it all if I was yourself in order to get higher levels and try and do better work. I won't be writing for every item I bought as it'll be way too much to write. But I'm sure you can figure out why I'd need the rest.

  • A double zipped pencil case, a single pencil case, a big bulky pencil case, and a little plastic pencil case.
The reason I got 4 pencil cases is because a lot of the stuff I got had a couple spares, and different stuff. I recommend getting around three pencil cases. One for stuff you probably won't use. Stuff you don't use everyday. Then stuff you use everyday. I got all my stuff from local stores and I actually made the big bulky one in year 7 / grade 7.
  • A storage box
So I got a storage box because it is a LOT easier to organise all the stuff you don't need everyday and your school books in a storage box and just pull it out when you have homework or need to switch your books.
  • Sticky-back paper
In my school you need sticky back plastic paper stuff to go over your books to protect it. I recommend this as you can still see the book and it just protects it really. I'd ask your teacher first though just in case you aren't allowed it in your school. 
  • Note books
I only got two small notebooks as our school gives us a planner, but for the first lot of homework they hadn't been handed out, so I used one as a homework reminder and the other one is to jot down ideas or notes or practice spellings or something for a test.
  • Binders
I got two binders. If I know I got several pieces of homework due on one day, I'll take the small one in (1 inch) so that I can protect it until I hand it in to the teacher. In my house I have a 1.5 inch one to hold homework I might not of done, or have a while before I give it in. I do have sheet homework from Physics and ICT and that's mainly why I have them. I also have polly pockets but I didn't list them. 
  • Sticky notes
Okay so I have a pack of 200 post it notes in four vibrant colors. I use these to jot down notes, mainly to stick on my homework to add color but include notes and stuff. I also use them to write things I need to remember. I have another little pack of 3 different color and shaped hearts that I mainly use to stick on my art work.
  • A pack of 25 blue pens
I picked these up in a cheap-ish shop. They do have grips, feel smooth to work with and last a while. But I didn't get these for myself, I got these just in case I ran out (even though that is very un-likely) or if someone needed to borrow one, or if I gave a friend one. I also use them when I have to use a certain type of pen to outline my work and homework for art. 
  • A pack of 25 black pens
I got these for the same reason as the above, but in black because sometimes a friend starts their work in black and then their pen runs out. Right now I'm trying to finish all my books in black, then do the next book in blue and so on. 
  • Berol Handwriting pens in black (2 pack)
If you have never wrote with these pens, you are missing out BIG time! It looks so near and organised, it is comftable to write with them, it looks outstanding in whatever type of writing you do and they're just fab!
  • Berol Handwriting pens in blue (2 pack)
I prefer the way they look in blue, but like I said I wanted to start my book in black because I find it looks more standard.
  • A pack of 5 red pens
Sometimes we have to use red pens, so I picked up a pack of cheap ones to lend friends or if I run out.
  • A pack of 2 green pens
I forgot the make, but a LOT of the time we have to use green pens to peer asses or asses someone else's book.
  • Bic Smooth writing black pens
This was a pack of ten. I love these pens. They are nice to write with, they look smart and they're also good back ups. I didn't get the blue because they was £2 ($3.50) more expensive than the black, but I do like the look of the blue so I might go back and get some blues.
  • Pack of three English Flag red,blue and black pens
I had to get these! They was so cute, One was black and white with the flags, and one was blue, and the other red. They're the same color pen as the pen itself and I've been using the black one all the time, and I used the red one once. I haven't used the blue yet but I probably will use that blue one first when I start my new books.
  • 7 highlighters
I grabbed some highlighters as you always end up needing these somewhere down the line.
  • Bic 12 pack pencils
  • 30 felt pens
  • Tippex (2 bottles)
  • Tippex (2 pens)
  • 3 Animal rubbers
  • 3 Fine liners (Red,blue and black)
  • 30cm Ruler
  • 15cm ruler
  • Ruler kit
  • 2 Basic Erasers
  • 3 Black gel pens
  • 3 Blue gel pens
  • A red gel pen
  • 3 Sharpeners
  • 2 packs of Bic Illusion pencils (4 per pack) 
  • 2 Silver Pencils with attached rubber
  • Pack of 6 glue sticks
  • Pritt stick pink mini glue
  • Pritt stick Jumbo Glue
  • Filler paper
  • 500 Paper sheets
  • A laminator and laminating sheets
  • Paper Shredder
  • Collins Welsh Short Course Revision Guide
  • Key stage 3 English Books
  • Mini stapler
  • Blue tack
  • White tack
  • Extra staples
  • Tape despencer
  • Decorative tape
  • Normal tape
I hope you liked this well.. typed out haul I guess you could call it? I put this in Organize your life as if you have all this stuff and listen in school, you will end up wanting to, well, organize your life!
Bye, have a great day!

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