Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Mystery Monday | Healthy Snacks ♥

Hello everyone!
So today is Monday, and here's the mystery post!
Today I'll be writing up on some healthy snacks, that either you'd like to eat when you're a bit peck-ish, or even put together as a school lunch! Do as you wish with it.

Snack #1
I can't think of a name for this... but it's basically just fruit and yogurt.
A super easy snack to put together is to just chop up some of your favorite fruits, grab some fat-free or greek yogurt, in whatever flavor you want, (I prefer strawberry or plain) and stick your fruit in, mix it about, and done! This is honestly amazing. Best of all, it doesn't just have to be 'yogurt with fruit in' it can be FROZEN yogurt with fruit in, so stick it in the freezer for 30 minutes and it's even better!

Snack #2
Fruit Kebabs! Okay so yes again with the fruit.. but come on guys we're trying to be healthy here! Grab some of them stick things, they're like giant tooth picks.. forgot what they're called.. and grab some fruit! Chop it up into pieces, and slide them on the stick. Fill it up to your hearts content and there you have it, some amazing fruit kebabs! ALSO, if you want to spice it up a bit, you can have a side dish of yogurt to dip it in. Yes with the yogurt, I love yogurt.

Snack #3
Granola Bars!
It's kinda like a cereal bar, that you make yourself, and it's healthy. 
You can have any dried fruit, not just strawberry's.
In a large bowl combine oats, rice crispies, almonds and mix together. Then, using almond butter and honey, put in a bowl and put in the microwave for 30 seconds to around a minute. Add some vanilla, and stir. Add the honey mixture to the almonds, and add your dried fruit. Stir together. Press the mixture into a pan and use some sort of utensil to flatten it. Cover it, and place it in the freezer for one hour. Cut it into the desired amount of bars. 

And that's it! 
For full recipes and more recipes, either plus one this or leave a comment and I'll look into making it a regular thing. I hope you like these and give them a try maybe?
Have a great day xox

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