Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Goals&Echievments | Tuesday | no.2

Hello everyone,
last week I put up some goals I would like to achieve! If there is a big cross through them, I achieved them and if not, I didn't and therefore will be trying to achieve them this week.

First of all was too;
Make a good start on my room
Secondly was too;
Gain one piece of make-up
Last of all was too;
Drink more water

I am happy to say that I achieved my goals by simply reminding myself of what I had too do, when you give yourself a small amount of little goals it is hard to believe how much you actually adapt to them and don't struggle. In the long run these could be really useful things to maintain.

This week, I'm going to set myself three new goals;

1. Clean my room
2. Focus on my drawings
3. Eat some more fruit

Let me know what your goals are this week, my twitter and younow is in the bio, or you can comment. Also let me know what you achieved last week! I'd love to hear about it.
I'll let you all know next week on what I achieved and my new goals.
Thanks for reading all,